I have a multi threded application. The application has multi-phase processiing model. A submitted request goes through a validation phhase first. Post the validation the request is routed to a processing engine for fetching data. The application validtion has static data validation , to check for null data as well...
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Configure Istio in Microk8s
Im my current working profile we are adapting k8s with Istio. Istio as service mesh offers quite a range of services like Traffic management, security, telemetry etc. Getting a hands-on experience of all of these features is a must before we start adapting them in our applications. With the goal...
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Creating Docker images for Java projects
I have been building a new Greenfield java application for quite sometime. This was a standard Spring boot application which packs an embeded servlet container. Most of my demos ran the application vai the SpringBoot plugin. This was good for development environment. But my workplace has declared container as the...
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Configure Database Store for Jetty sessions.
I have a kata application, which allows me to be hands-on with various things. This is a web application and sometime back it had the use case of Persisting sessions. The application is a simple webapp running on Jetty, which is configured via the jetty-maven-plugin. Jetty has good support of...
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Configure Pod readiness with Spring Actuator
Sometime back I worked on adapating a bank’s application runbook using Ansible. Ansible was great it did need any external agents. So we started creating playbooks and deploying applications. But then the automation challange was how do we determine an application is ready ? so that we proceed deployment of...
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