JDK Alias in Mac

Mac OS has a a useful utility java_home. The utility helps us to determine which Java versions are available and setup the JAVA_HOME environment variable. It can be used to enable a versions of Java from the available versions. We can execute the following command, to list the versions :... [Read More]
Tags: mac bash

Peter Principle Promotions

A few weeks back I was having a conversation with one my ex-colleagues. The guy had done project and programme management for sometime. He had seen the various hardships and shipwrecks. Eventually he changed the course of his journey. I often talked to the guy asking for his opinion. He... [Read More]

Software Factory

I was part of a project where the senior echelons thought software development as a Manufacturing unit. I had my share of arguments in explaining why this is a false premise. Over the years software development practices have made progress across various frameworks like waterfall, agile, kanban, scaled-agile. All these... [Read More]

Upgrading As Project Manager

I had served as EM for sometime. I had created the squads which delivered the required asks. As a next step, I was asked to take the role of a Project Manager. Well! the promotion had been a cheerful new for me. I looked up to it. I evaluated my... [Read More]

Engineering Manager Upgrade

After my initial brush, I was back to development in other organisations. I spent a couple of more years in this role and getting a few promotion to the next possible level. Then, I got another opportunity to join an enterprise. The enterprise was struggling though one of its products.... [Read More]